Started to walk!

Luca tries to walk but so stiff! 😊

Luca: 9 months

You started to learn how to walk a bit with your Papa’s help since 3 weeks ago. You can’t walk fully by yourself just yet but I thought it’d be fun to get you a walker toy so then you can practice how to walk. 

There it is (watch the video above)! You don’t get quite yet how to turn around and stuff but that’s ok. You will learn sooner or later. It seems like I got you a right toy. You are having fuuun!! 😄 I’m happy when you are happy!! 


You are flying, Luca! Happy in the back looks like “Oh god, somebody stops him…” haha
I love you very much, Luca!

Much love,

Your mama

Color of red


Happy 9th month, Luca! You are becoming more expressive, laugh, cry, and … complain… 😑
Luca: 9 months old

Solid food: potato, turkey, tomato, green peas, green beans, zucchini, yogurt,apple, banana, pear, watermelon, mango

You finally turned to 9 months this week. Happy 9th month! You are getting bigger and bigger in my eyes. We just visited your Pediatrician Dr. Brown and he told us you are a healthy grown man. 😄 Your growth is 5 percentile but that’s ok. You just have my gene… 😊 (Oh btw, you had Hepatitis B shot and Anemia test today. The test came out good)

Lately I started to realize you notice color of red more than any other color. In Japanese, the word “baby” is translated to “aka chan” which means baby but directly translated to “Little Red”. In scientific research, babies tend to pick color of red more than yellow or blue. I forget why but that is why they are called “Little Red”. So it makes sense that you pick toys with red color. Maybe this is your personal preference but it could be natural phase too that other babies would go through. I thought it’s very interesting. Is any baby going through this phase?   

Red, red, red… I love red too. Is it coming from my gene too? lol The red owl is Luca’s favorite! He carries it everywhere!